Expert Witness

Expert Witness

Experience providing court testimony throughout the Court System. At Gentium UK we provide guidance, support, and a clear understanding to assist the court. Working alongside criminal and civil litigation specialists, we provide reports and evidence for both defence and prosecution teams. Specialising in the guidance in respect of the following:

  • Money Laundering and Money Laundering Regulations
  • Proceeds of Crime Act Seizures
  • Confiscation Orders
  • Civil Recovery
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Virtual Assets / Currency and Informal Value Transfer Systems (commonly referred to as Hawala Banking).
  • Illicit Duty
  • Counterfeit Goods

Get in touch to discuss your case.

What Is An Expert Witness?

An Expert Witness is an individual with expert knowledge within a certain field or discipline. We allocate the most suitable representative for your case to ensure that we are able to provide independent expert reports for your case. Our Expert Witnesses will provide impartial, truthful, and independent opinions, even if they do not help your case. They are there to provide an expert opinion to the court and will always adhere to the Criminal Procedure Rules.

What Is An Expert Witness Report?

The purpose of an Expert Witness Report is to provide the court with an expert opinion on the case to allow a decision to be made. Within this report, the facts and the expert opinion will be clearly separated.