Gentium Policing

Message From the Director

"Law Enforcement globally faces a huge challenge in countering the threat of organised crime. Organised crime groups know no boundaries. They operate nationally and internationally and have developed the requisite skills and professional services needed to conduct successful operations, avoid policing and launder criminal funds.

Whereas globally, Law Enforcement is stretched. The limited resources allocated along with the complexities of investigating and ultimately prosecuting criminal groups create a problem for Law Enforcement, which would be similar to myself having to chase down and catch Usain Bolt.

Criminal Investigations are complex and getting more so. Law Enforcement seems to be playing catch up, which is ultimately a huge policing problem. We must be in a position to recognise all available opportunities to investigate and prosecute individuals and groups whilst ensuring assets are restrained, recovered and realised, efficiently and effectively.

To effectively fight fraud and organised crime we need a multi-agency and multi-sector approach. With guidance, teaching and understanding of the red flags available, the methodologies of criminals and a clear understanding of how the criminal exploits all available options to effectively launder criminally derived funds.

Organised crime will search out Professional enablers (i.e. those able to offer a professional money laundering service) and money launderers to facilitate crimes. Professionals can be complicit or targeted, often required to open doors and provide services such as signing off transactions and moving client money; services which are not always knowingly criminal actions, but which can facilitate organised criminality.

Money launderers are needed by criminal groups to launder the proceeds obtained from their criminality. As the methods available to the launderer increase the aspect of investigation and prosecution becomes more difficult. This difficulty increases as criminal groups look to laundering criminal property through anything from cash-based to trade-based money laundering initiatives; or entering into the cyber world and developing ways to commit further offences and exploit the growth of CryptoCurrencies.

The key to successful prosecution and confiscation is unlocking and developing a joined-up policing and regulatory response. Understanding the methods undertaken by the criminal and having a clear understanding of what is available to the investigator." - Andrew Tennant

Training Offered

Gentium UK can assist in bridging these gaps by providing dedicated support, targeted training and guidance with regard to the aspects of all types of criminal investigation. At Gentium UK we aim to provide all our clients with a product that is sustainable and will ensure that a legacy can be created. Gentium UK has moved away from the field that provide off the shelf training.

All of our training, guidance and support is bespoke to the client; tailored to their needs to ensure that key aspects and components are met. In working closely with our clients we ensure that the bespoke product is exact to their needs.

We encourage our clients to look to the future and allow Gentium UK to identify ‘Champions’ within the Country, region or department who can assist in capacity building and becoming the next in-house expert and dedicated trainer. All training provided is owned by the client and can be created as a ‘Train the Trainers’ style course.

High quality bespoke training is available from Gentium UK with a guarantee to assist you to build capacity from within.